Sunday, July 10, 2011


Sto per chiudere questo blog e da questo momento ogni foto o notizia sul mio progetto urbano sarà pubblicato su

I'm going to close this blog and by now each photo or news on my urban project will be published on

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Mushroomoon regresò a la vida el 7 de Mayo 2010...

En el "taller en Vida" en 75ºcolor de Arturo Negrete!!
Fue un honor trabajar con personas tan profesionales y expertas,
sin embargo tan sencillas y amigables.

Tambien hay mas fotos en mi Blog
Una experiencia enriquecidora!
Graaaacias a todos de corazon!

(es de buena suerte tocal las bubis de Mushroomoon!)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Ci sono molte storie intorno a Mushroomoon, alcune vere altre meno, alcune addolcite con dettagli.

La verità nuda? Mushroomoon nasce da un momento di dubbio profondo sulla mia arte, sul suo valore per chi la vede. Nasce da una critica forte da parte di un gallerista, la poche parole taglienti “la tua arte non si può vendere, e non può stare in una galleria”.
La mia prima reazione è stata di paralisi totale, di dolore e dramma interiore, di disorientamento e paura. Due giorni senza muovere un muscolo.

Quando poi ho deciso di fare qualcosa a proposito, e di trovare quanto di buono potevo in quella critica, la mia mente si è aperta a una nuova possibilità. Magari banale (oggigiorno tutti fanno arte urbana, ormai) ma per me, tanto posata e timida (davvero??), significava e significa ancora il coraggio di mettermi in vista nonostante tutto, di scegliere la strada come galleria personale, in attesa di altre cose o di nuove svolte.
Ebbene sì, Mushroomoon nasce dall’imperativo di trovare unos spazio per me nel mondo, forse egoisticamente, ma senza scendere a compromessi.
In quei giorni alla fine di dicembre 2010, ho riscoperto l’entusiasmo di lavorare febbrilmente per ore a un obiettivo preciso: mettere la mia scultura in Plaza Rio de Janeiro, nella Città del Messico, dove vivo.
E ho deciso che...che fosse la più grande della mia collezione, più grande di me e che stesse in un punto dove fosse impossibile non vederla passando di lì.

La notte del 31 dicembre, mentre tutti festeggiavano ubriachi l’inizio del nuovo anno, io stavo mescolando cemento in un angolo del parco della Plaza, aiutata e coperta da mio marito Diego e Lobo, un amico.

Così nasce questa creatura dallo sguardo tenero, che rimase in strada per soli 6 giorni, prima che le forze dell’ordine si accorgesserodell’irregolarità e la portassero via.

Ora, dopo una massiccia operazione di recupero, è a salvo, a casa, in attesa di un nuovo viaggio...


There are many stories around Mushroomoon, some true some not, some sweetened with details.

The naked truth? Mushroomoon stems from a profound moment of doubt about my art, its value for those who see it. It comes from a strong criticism by a dealer at the time to show him my portfolio, a few sharp words "your art you can not be sold and can not be in a gallery. "
My first reaction was total paralysis, pain and inner drama, disorientation and fear. Two days without moving a muscle.

When I decided to do something about, and I could find the good in the criticism, my mind opened to new possibilities. Maybe commonplace (everyone is making urban art, in these days) but for me, so and shy (really?), meant and still means having the courage to get in view in spite of everything, choose the street as a personal gallery, waiting for other things or new activities.
Yes, Mushroomoon comes from the imperative to find a place for me in the world, perhaps selfishly, but without compromise.
In those days in late December 2010, I rediscovered the enthusiasm to work feverishly for hours at a precise objective: to put my sculpture in Plaza Rio de Janeiro, in Mexico City, where I live.
And I decided that ... it would be the largest in my collection, bigger than me and it would be at a point where it was impossible not to see her passing by.

On the night of December 31, while everyone drunk were celebrating the New Year, I was mixing cement in a corner of the park of the Plaza, assisted and covered by my husband Diego and Lobo, a friend.

That's the way this tender-eyed creature was born. It remained in the street for only six days before the police are noticing the irregularity and carried her off.

Now, after a massive recovery operation, it is safe, at home, waiting for a new journey ...

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Another Mushroomoon appeared on Friday 11th !!

This time is a small, tender little one.
If you want to see it, you can find it in Colima street, corner with Cuah
utemoc, Colonia Roma.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


As I promised, here is goes the second part of the story...

Mirham Ascencio was the woman who saw how the policemen were removing Mushroomoon from his base, to take it away. Her intention was just taking a few picture of the work, but she arrive in the right place at the right time...

Mirham wrote this, and I just want you to read these words, that proves a deep love for art, in spite of all the rules, and thank her from the heart, because I really don't know what would happen to Mushroomoon without her!

"I just did what any one else would do if you see someone starting something beautiful. I tried to avoid it and ask for an explanation. The sad part is, that they appellate to the City Law that says that the public route is for everyone and that you cannot attempt versus people’s rights by installing something in the city without permission.
I said the art is also for everyone, for the people, they answer they were spaces specially designed to this labor.
This people, refused to show me any id, but they did told me they would take the Mushroomoon to the City´s Government Office.
By the time all this ended, I search by Facebook to Francesca and let her know about the destination of her wonderful piece.
Now I know Mushroomoon is backing home where it belongs and I’m happy for that.
Congratulations Francesca for your work and I hope someday our government realizes the importance of cultural development and that they support these actions instead of censured them.
That’s all I can tell, and as I said before, I think this is what everyone would have done.


Thursday, January 13, 2011


It's time to tell what happened to Mushroomoon.
Maybe someone of you passed by the place where it was, and you could only see the empty base.
Some of you sent me message, or called me, asking. But I was not able to tell what happened. I just received the news, without knowing who took it away. I confess I was entrateining the idea that some crazy and passionate fan had stolen it, and now he was spending long hours admiring my sculpture in his sitting room.
But the story is much less poetic.
The afternoon of Jenuary 6th, a couple of policemen from the Delegation stopped their van near to Mushroomoon, forced it, loaded it on the truck, and took it away.
The very cool part of the story is how I knew it.
Late at night, on 7th Jenuary, someone called me on my mobile. The woman's voice told "Hi, you don't know me, but I witnessed how they took your sculpture away". She introduced herself as Mirham Ascencio, and gave me all the details. she told me how she arrived with her camara, to take pictures of the work, cause she liked it so much, and in this very moment she saw the van arrived and the policemen catch the sculpture. I was moved: she threw herself against the two "brutes", and tried to convince them that the sculpture was a beautiful piece of art, and it was worthy of staying where it was. She really defended my work and advocated for its rights!
That's great, I thought! She was not able to stop them, but it is the most touching demostration of art love that I've ever been involved in.
The story goes that Mirham told me where to find Mushroomoon, so I went, and I paid the fine.
In a week it will be home again...

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Many of you wonder what happened.
Soon you'll know.
Now I leave her, in memory of Mushroomoon...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



This is what "appeared" the 1st Jenuary 2011 in Plaza Rio de Janeiro, Colonia Roma, Mexico City.

I love this part of the city, the trees, the fountains, the people, the galleries. The athmosphere here is quite inspirational. Art is something you breath here!
And, most of all, I really wanted to give "a special gift" to the city that has been offering me a home for 5 years.

Thank you Mexico!